Author: Dr. Mubashir Hematologist

Dr. Mubashir Razzaq Khan is a highly accomplished and dedicated medical professional specializing in Hematology. With an impressive academic background including an MBBS from Punjab, MPhil from Punjab, and a PhD from Scl, Dr. Khan has been serving patients for over 22 years. His expertise lies in the diagnosis and treatment of various hematologic, oncologic, rheumatologic, immunologic, and infectious diseases.

Taking care of your heart health is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and wеllnеss. It is the engine of your metabolism, and ensuring its health is necessary. While this may sound extreme, improving heart health doesn’t require drastic measures. Making small lifestyle changes can impact your heart’s well-being.  Here are ten simple yet effective things you can do to prioritize your heart health. Effective Steps for Better Heart Health A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain heart health to prevent the stress of heart attack or any other cardiovascular disease. Maintain a…

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Conjunctivitis also called as Pink Eye is a very infectious and common eye condition that can be activated by many issues including bacteria, viruses, allergies, or irritants. The swelling and irritation of the conjunctiva (a transparent membrane covering the inner eyelids) and the sclera (the white portion of the eye) cause a condition known as conjunctivitis or pink eye. The characteristic reddening or “pink” appearance of the eye is caused by this inflammation. In this blog post, we have explained the causes, treatments and preventions of pink eye. Causes of Pink Eye Three primary types of pink eye can be…

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Hair loss is a common symptom that most people face in younger age or older age of life. Hair fall often starts from the head, and sometimes, it can happen all over the body. It can be because of your family history, hormones, health issues, or just getting older. Anyone can lose hair from their head, but it happens more often to men. Some people like to let their hair loss happen naturally without doing anything to hide it. Others might use different hairstyles, makeup, hats, or scarves to cover it up. In this article, we will discuss the potential…

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A well-functioning immune system not only wards off infections but also plays a pivotal role in safeguarding our body against various ailments. While a balanced diet and regular exercise form the bedrock of immune health, the role of beverages should not be underestimated. In this article, we will explore the realm of immune-boosting drinks, unveiling eight potent concoctions that have garnered recognition for their potential to enhance immune function. From classic herbal teas to innovative fruit-infused waters, these beverages offer a flavorful and refreshing way to fortify the body’s natural defense mechanisms. What are the Benefits of Drinks for Immune…

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A balancеd diеt is crucial for ovеrall hеalth and fitnеss. While various macronutriеnts play a significant role in our diеt, carbohydratеs arе oftеn misundеrstood and wrongly dеmonizеd. Carbohydratеs arе an еssеntial еnеrgy sourcе for thе body, fuеling our musclеs and brain. However, many pеoplе shy away from consuming an adеquatе amount of carbs, fеaring weight gain or other health issues. In rеality, carbohydratеs arе an intеgral part of a wеll-roundеd diеt, and cеrtain signs may indicatе that you nееd to incorporate morе carbs into your еating rеgimеn. In this article, we’ll еxplorе tеn signs that suggеst its timе to incrеasе…

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