Author: Dr. Mubashir Hematologist

Dr. Mubashir Razzaq Khan is a highly accomplished and dedicated medical professional specializing in Hematology. With an impressive academic background including an MBBS from Punjab, MPhil from Punjab, and a PhD from Scl, Dr. Khan has been serving patients for over 22 years. His expertise lies in the diagnosis and treatment of various hematologic, oncologic, rheumatologic, immunologic, and infectious diseases.

Taking care of your heart health is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and wеllnеss. It is the engine of your metabolism, and ensuring its health is necessary. While this may sound extreme, improving heart health doesn’t require drastic measures. Making small lifestyle changes can impact your heart’s well-being.  Here are ten simple yet effective things you can do to prioritize your heart health. Effective Steps for Better Heart Health A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain heart health to prevent the stress of heart attack or any other cardiovascular disease. Maintain a…

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Conjunctivitis also called as Pink Eye is a very infectious and common eye condition that can be activated by many issues including bacteria, viruses, allergies, or irritants. The swelling and irritation of the conjunctiva (a transparent membrane covering the inner eyelids) and the sclera (the white portion of the eye) cause a condition known as conjunctivitis or pink eye. The characteristic reddening or “pink” appearance of the eye is caused by this inflammation. In this blog post, we have explained the causes, treatments and preventions of pink eye. Causes of Pink Eye Three primary types of pink eye can be…

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